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1 Kurse gefunden

Ballet - English (INDOOR)
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Ballet is the perfect discipline to develop posture, alignment, strength, flexibility, coordination and grace. If you are new to Ballet then this Ballet course is the perfect way to start your journey. This course is also suitable for those of you seeking to refresh your skills. The course provides an introduction to Ballet. Ballet terminology will be explained. The classes will cover barre work, centre practice, allegro (jumps), pirouettes (turns) and some choreographed phrases.

level 1:
The course is for all ballet beginners who want to learn this form of dance and do something for their body awareness, flexibility and posture. We start with elementary exercise and dance sequences on the barre, which are supplemented in the middle and finally lead to a small dance combination.

level 2: 
The prerequisite for this course is 1 year of dance experience in ballet or modern dance. This course is suitable for anyone who already has a solid foundation in ballet technique. The exercises on the barre and in the center are more demanding and require good control of posture and music. The level of the exercises is more dynamic in order to train body awareness, flexibility and posture. This course is ideal for improving your skills and developing your dance expression. 

Ballet shoes are recommended. Please note that some courses start a week later!



entire period:
one-time sports class:

level 1Mo20:00-21:0017.02.- 07.04.N.P., Haus 12, Gymraum19/ 30/ 38/ 44 €buchen
level 2Fr19:30-21:0028.02.- 11.04.Film-Universität Babelsberg, Raum 620815/ 24/ 30/ 35 €storniert
level 2Fr19:30-21:0028.02.- 11.04.Film-Universität Babelsberg, Raum 62085/ 7/ 8/ 9 €storniert