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1 Kurse gefunden

Aerial Silk / Aerial Acrobatic
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This class will we held predominantly in englisch language

In diesem Kurs erlernt ihr euren eigenen Körper an von der Decke hängenden Stoffbahnen zu halten und zu bewegen. Während wir erste Formen und Figuren am Stoff kennenlernen, trainieren wir aktiv unsere Tiefenmuskulatur, verbessern die Koordination unseres Körpers und verbinden die erlernten Bewegungen zu einer grundlegenden Kür. Schwingt euch mit diesem Ganzkörpertraining auf zu neuen Höhen!

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This course will focus on preparing yourself to carry your own body weight in the air. We will find and engage our deepest core muscles and learn how to connect our extremities to our center. We will look at how the shoulder structure works, how to connect our arms to our backs and therefor to our core as to facilitate climbing into and moving in the air. We will apply this knowledge of our bodies as we learn basic aerial figures in the Vertical Fabric.

Liz Williams
and Howard Katz have been a performance and teaching team since 2013. Collectively, they have more than 50 years experience performing, choreographing and teaching. Combining their unique, electic knowledge from their vast experience in classical and contemporary dance, aerial acrobatics, yoga and the 5Qualities system of movement, they are able to help students develop their full movement potential. In 2017, they opened Q Space, as place for technique, creativity and self-development to flourish.

A1Do09:00-10:1507.11.2024-12.12.2024Q Space Pankow60/ 70/ 109 €abgelaufen
A1Do09:00-10:1509.01.2025-13.02.2025Q Space Pankow60/ 70/ 109 €Warteliste